Saturday, November 27, 2010

Thanksgiving au Burkina Faso

Ahhh yes, my second (and last!) Thanksgiving in Burkina Faso. And I spent it at site! I invited the other volunteers in my area and a few could come -- Jane, Brenda and Shannon. Fun times were had. Good food was had! Lots of magazine reading and hilarious moments with Hercules (thank God all of us love dogs!). And laying on my porch, talking and watching the stars.

I think that's why I love Thanksgiving so much -- a reason to get together with family, eat good food and be grateful for all the blessings in your life. =)

Hercules! All my neighbors think it's funny that I pick up Hercules like this because the way they treat dogs in Burkina Faso is dramatically different from how they do it in the U.S.

Jane, our official Thanksgiving taste-tester. Completely needed!

Peeling potatoes on the porch. Homemade mashed potatoes, anyone?

A Thanksgiving feast, Burkina-style!

1 comment:

MeganElizabeth said...

How fun! Looks like you had a great time! Two years already!! CRAZY!! :) Cute little Hercules!!