I realized it's been too long since I've blogged, so I've decided to share some pictures with you all.
Jonas & Demetrius drop by!
Camel riding in Bani (northern Burkina Faso). Sadly, my camera battery died soon after this picture...Gwen has more though!
On a completely different note, things have been absolutely busy! Since the end of May, it's been lots of traveling back and forth between my site and Ouaga. I haven't even had the time (or energy) to write in my personal journal which has been a must for me since I first got here. Training Design and Evaluation (TDE) Workshop for a week in Ouaga with all the PCVFPs, Technical Trainers and other Peace Corps staff to re-evaluate each sector's project plan and create the Calendar of Training Events (COTE) for our training group. Lots of work but it's something I really enjoyed because I felt like we were able to implement a lot of the changes we wanted for our training a year ago. Then I had Peer Support & Diversity Network (PSDN) training, which is a Peace Corps committee which provides emotional support to our fellow volunteers. Luckily, I was elected Co-Chair with Bovard, so this should be one interesting year!! Takes me back to my RA days, senior year at LMU, haha! I went back to site for a little bit, then headed to Ouahigouya (haven't been there since training a year ago!) in June for Training of Trainers (TOT) Workshop. All the PCVFPs, PCVFs and Technical Trainers got together to learn how to properly facilitate sessions and what to expect as the Trainees arrive. It was like a mini-reunion for us all! As well, Madame Ouattara got the post as Language and Culture Facilitator (LCF) so she was there as well. It was interesting bringing my life at home/site and my Peace Corps life together! And it felt like having an aunt with me throughout TOT. Haha! I headed back to site to do a little work and start a Moringa pepiniere (nursery) with my CM Girls' Club (more pictures in the next blog post). I'm here in Ouaga for my VAC meeting and come tomorrow, I head to Ouahigouya to prepare for the arrival of our GEE Trainees. About 20 Trainees coming to Burkina Faso in a week. Exciting!!
Love the camels!! So cool!! I want to see more pics for sure!! Wow and 20 new volunteers! That's awesome!! Yayy!
PS I love you! :)
Great article, thank you very much!
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