Friday, May 27, 2011

Passing the proverbial torch: PSDN training

Can somebody please say "full circle" again?! This Peace Corps thing does it to you, and I feel like this won't be the last time I say I'm coming full circle, haha.

Immediately after the MAP Conference/visiting the host family in Komsilga, I headed straight into new PSDN training. PSDN stands for Peer Support and Diversity Network -- essentially, a group of selected Peace Corps Volunteers that provide emotional and mental support to fellow volunteers.

Sadly, Bovard (my fellow Co-Chair) and Mike (Training Manger) couldn't make it, so it was Stephanie and I that were leading the group of new blood, so to speak! Lots of work but also lots of fun, and I'm very confident in the newest batch of PSDN members for Peace Corps/Burkina Faso. Good luck!

This woman is amazing! <3

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